Friday, July 23, 2010


Another design team I can't believe I haven't told you about before is Emami, a "fresh Scandinavian design team cooperating with young, innovative designers in making unique, quality clothing. The design is very avant-guard and is based on the theme of limitlessness and multifunction. Emami wants to encourage young women to give way to their creativity and create their own individual style", as they say on their website. It was started by two young Icelandic women a few years ago when they launched their "limitless dress" and the collection has been growing bigger and bigger ever since. All their pieces are multifunctional, a dress becomes a skirt, becomes trousers, become a top! Check out these pictures and have a look on their website, you will be amazed!

Here's a video that shows the many ways to wear the "limitless dress". I have it in black and I wear it all the time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they are really creative and so fun seeing people dressing them :D and i will buy it for my girlfriend :D coolest design that i have seen so far !!! for women !! hopefully they will make man cloths :D