Friday, August 27, 2010

Bloggers and their babies (Thursdays it's family time!)

I just love looking at pictures of people with their babies. You can always sense the joy, pride, love and vulnerability they're feeling. Some of my favorite bloggers have recently had babies, and here are a few pictures of them.

James and Gemma of Bleubird

Viv and Robert of ish and chi

Joanna and Toby of A Cup of Jo

And here's one of me and little Sam.


Mimi said...

awww, these are all so beautiful!

<3, Mimi

BJÖRG said...
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BJÖRG said...

skemmtilegt blogg, endilega kíktu á mitt: Friday I'm in love

Svo er eitt blogg sem er svoldið skemmtilegt, alveg must see:
Milas daydreams

Joanna Goddard said...

aw, thank you so much for including toby and me! and i LOVE that photo of you and sam!!