Monday, August 2, 2010

Corners of my home

I always have a million projects going but very seldom finish them. Once I showed you my bedroom before, but never got to the after. We have since switched rooms with the boys and have a completely new before situation... too horrid to share right now! I don't know when we'll get to the after. The living room is also under constant change and so is the TV room where the gallery wall is. So, since I cannot show you a finished room, I will show you a few corners of my home instead.

My grandmother's clock that my father inherited. My mum didn't feel it fitted in their new place after they moved, so I'm keeping it until they want it back. A little sneak peak from our living room into the TV room and the gallery wall in progress.

The 'new' sofa on loan from my friend. I still haven't changed the curtains and the vintage suitcase coffee table is a temporary solution... although I quite like it. It's all going to be white when I'm finished; the pillows, the table and curtains.

I'm sure our moss green seventies fridge is an environmental disaster and as soon as I can I'm getting a new one. In the meantime though, how classic is that colour combo: green, orange and a bit of faux wood?!

(P.S. I desperately want a new camera so I can snap some better photos... got any recommendations for me?)

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