Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm selling my sofas!

No, not the sofa in this picture! But this is the picture that made me decide to finally go ahead and do it. I want a living room like this! I desperately neeeeed a living room like this! I swear I went weak at the knees and my heart skipped a beat when I saw this picture over on poppytalk

So. It's decided! Below is a picture of my sofas. I'm also going to change the curtains, get some light-weight white ones. Sadly, I can't do anything about the floors right now, but I would love to have white painted wooden floors... aaah, one day, one day!


I just can't get over how perfect that living room is... *sigh*


Arna Rut said...

Úúuu fallegt!

En þú átt nú samt ofsa fallegt heimili...en maður er nú aldrei ánægður er það?:)

Not your goddess said...

Takk Arna mín :)
Æ það er bara svo gott að breyta til, eins og sumir segja, 'change is as good as a holiday'... kannski ekki jafn gott og fríið ykkar þó ;o)

Inga Hrund said...

Hvaðan eru gardínurnar?

Not your goddess said...

Þær eru úr IKEA :)