Our older son was a really light sleeper and we got so desperate to get him to sleep well that we were sneaking around our own house, whispering to each other so that we wouldn't wake him up. It got so bad that sometimes if my husband had to leave the house in the evening, he would jump out the living room window (fortunately we lived on the ground floor), he frequently slept on the sofa in the living room and we were terrified of even flushing the toilet! After I put our younger son to bed yesterday I had to go to the bathroom, and as I reached to flush I had this huge flashback to those times and thought to myself... No way! I'm going to flush! And it made me feel like I was living on the edge, taking chances, rebel style. Oh the joys of parenthood!
Yay for being free to flush!
This is such a humorous post. I know exactly how you feel. My sister had a baby in November, and once you get him to sleep, you don't want to so much as move for fear of waking him up! :)
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I don't find this funny at all. Perhaps because I just finished trying to bake a cake without using the mixer, letting the oven beep, or clanking pans together. Yep, my 8 month old son is napping, and I'm terrified of waking him!
Great post!
The Freestyle Mom
P.S. I didn't even realize people flushed toilets at night. We haven't flushed ours after 8 pm for 2.5 years now (that would be the point at which my daughter was born -- also a miserable sleeper.)
I load the dishwasher soundlessly at night to avoid tantrums of the 10 month old wanting to climb the dishwasher constantly.
I've never been so careful with my dishes in my life.
We've oiled all our door hinges, I turned the black out curtians around so they don't squeak, and even use a dining room chair when using the computer as the office swivel chair squeaks in an unknown spot.
Now if I can only get my neighbor's dog to stop barking...
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