Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hot mama!

Seeing this picture (via apt #34 to fadtony) made me miss my heals and also assured me that I will be wearing them again, only this time as a mother of two. I have about two or three pairs of (very flat) shoes that are comfortable for me now and will take me through a whole day, and for a shoe-holic like me, that's torture! I look down on my collection every day, gathering dust at the bottom of my closet, and depending on my hormone-induced mood of the day (or hour) it will break my heart or make it jump with joy.
Wearing heals while with children can be tricky, but it's definitely doable. Chose a comfortable pair (yes they do exist) and consider a few things: A pushchair is a great help as you can use it for support. Don't plan on walking too far though. Plan a few stops (coffee for you, milk or juice and a healthy snack for the kids - keeps them out of trouble as well). On a warm day, pop the flip flops in your bag, you might be extremely thankful for this and at least you were stylish half of the way!

Just a few of my faves at the moment.

This is my dream for the future (taken in Absolute Vintage close to Brick Lane).


Jane Flanagan said...

Hey there - read your comment over at Automatism. I used these instructions to go to 3-columns (you can see the results on my blog). Hope it helps!


Maggie May said...

i am just getting into heels the last few years and i'm 34 and the mother of three!

nice to find you :)

Not your goddess said...

Thank you Jane, I'll check it out :)
And thank you too Maggie May, nice to have you :)

Palaeontologist Mum with Babies said...

Hi I need to get into heels, my son is nearly 20 months, it is now or never.
I love the two grey pairs of shoes, are they campers? lovely, lovely blog. Good luck with the new baby!

Not your goddess said...

Thank you Patagonia Mum :)
I say go go go for the heals, or even wedges. Those grey shoes are platform wedges and incredibly comfy (well relatively). I got them at Topshop, I was even lucky to get them at 75% off!