Sunday, November 29, 2009

A new me!

As you may have noticed, I've changed the title of my blog. No longer 'Not Your Goddess', no, I am now 'A Goddess In The Making'! Yes, I want to be a goddess, and if I'm going to be a goddess, then saying that I'm not will not be helpful along the way. See, every little piece of self-help advice I've ever heard says that for your wishes to come true, you must see yourself in your new 'me', envision yourself the way you want to be, write your wishes down and not focus on what you're, well, not! So here goes! I am now on my way to goddessness!!!
(The picture is the first image that came up when I googled 'goddess'. Fun, right?)

Knitted goodies

Louise Goldin knit leggings at Topshop... when will you be mine?!
(UK size 12)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Water stopping water

I love it when design is so clever, so brilliant... so "why didn't I think of that?"! From Water stopping water via Design Milk.

Monday, November 16, 2009

On my wish list

When I was pregnant I attended a pre-natal yoga class and a few weeks after Sam was born I also did a mummy yoga class. I had never done yoga before but I must say that it is the one single thing that has improved my life the most! So as soon as my funds allow it, I will join a class with these wonderful people again, and hopefully I can keep it up for the rest of my life!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fit and fabulous?

I've heard about those shoes that are supposed to exercise your legs or something while you walk. Or maybe it was something about making walking super easy... I can't remember but the thing I do remember is that they were hideous... I mean aaaawful... really! But then I just saw this FitFlop by Anna Sui over on Net a Porter and I didn't even know it was that... that thing... in disguise... and I love it! How cool would these be with a pair of chocolate brown cozy tights and a wonderful dreamy autumn dress, a wool coat and a knitted hat? I'd be happy!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Don't get married, get Hubbied!

Are you ready to tie the knot? Would you like to do so in Los Angeles in 2010? Are you willing to entrust the whole planning process to a group of amazing artists? If so, get the details and apply at Get Hubbied!