Sunday, December 6, 2009

Miabella Photography

We had María of Miabella Photography take some family photos and we are thrilled with the result. Do check out her flickr photostream for some gorgeous photography.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


The dresses by Birta Björnsdóttir of Júníform are beautiful and when she launched her baby collection, I was thrilled. Now I just need a little baby girl!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A new me!

As you may have noticed, I've changed the title of my blog. No longer 'Not Your Goddess', no, I am now 'A Goddess In The Making'! Yes, I want to be a goddess, and if I'm going to be a goddess, then saying that I'm not will not be helpful along the way. See, every little piece of self-help advice I've ever heard says that for your wishes to come true, you must see yourself in your new 'me', envision yourself the way you want to be, write your wishes down and not focus on what you're, well, not! So here goes! I am now on my way to goddessness!!!
(The picture is the first image that came up when I googled 'goddess'. Fun, right?)

Knitted goodies

Louise Goldin knit leggings at Topshop... when will you be mine?!
(UK size 12)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Water stopping water

I love it when design is so clever, so brilliant... so "why didn't I think of that?"! From Water stopping water via Design Milk.

Monday, November 16, 2009

On my wish list

When I was pregnant I attended a pre-natal yoga class and a few weeks after Sam was born I also did a mummy yoga class. I had never done yoga before but I must say that it is the one single thing that has improved my life the most! So as soon as my funds allow it, I will join a class with these wonderful people again, and hopefully I can keep it up for the rest of my life!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fit and fabulous?

I've heard about those shoes that are supposed to exercise your legs or something while you walk. Or maybe it was something about making walking super easy... I can't remember but the thing I do remember is that they were hideous... I mean aaaawful... really! But then I just saw this FitFlop by Anna Sui over on Net a Porter and I didn't even know it was that... that thing... in disguise... and I love it! How cool would these be with a pair of chocolate brown cozy tights and a wonderful dreamy autumn dress, a wool coat and a knitted hat? I'd be happy!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Don't get married, get Hubbied!

Are you ready to tie the knot? Would you like to do so in Los Angeles in 2010? Are you willing to entrust the whole planning process to a group of amazing artists? If so, get the details and apply at Get Hubbied!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Keeping it together

My living room is overflowing with baby stuff and I desperately need a nice basket to keep it all neatly in one place after the kids go to bed. These two from IKEA seem like they could do the job very nicely!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

winter wish list

Winter is definitely upon us and I'm in the mood for cozying up with candles, beautiful music, blankets, hot chocolate.... the works. I'm tired of block candles, I want the elegance of a tall, slim candle to set the mood. Only problem is, I only have one candlestick! So, this is what I'm wishing for (also, this is the perfect gift for anyone, so I have a feeling some of my friends and family will be unwrapping one or two of those come the holidays).

The first two are from IKEA and the other ones from

Friday, October 16, 2009

Suitcase sofa

I just came across the website of Junktion, an unbelievably funky design firm in Tel Aviv. How cool is this suitcase sofa?! I smell a DIY project coming up (really? will I ever get round to it?)!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Funny thing, love

Head over here to listen to (and download for free) this fantastic new song by Toggi.

Spruce up your shoes

Ecouterre has us set to fall in love with our shoes all over again. As they say on their site:

Why do shoes have such a hold over our imaginations? From blue suede to those made for walking, no other accessory has inspired as many songs or so much frenzied devotion. But why, if we adore our shoes so much, is it so easy to chuck them when they’ve gone out of style or have fallen into disrepair? Don’t they deserve better?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A go at classic autumn

Colourful Autumn
Colourful Autumn by NotYourGoddess featuring Dorothy Perkins

I'm not so good at this Polyvore thing, but I was in the mood for some colourful classic autumn. It has worked for me every year since I first saw Love Story 17 years ago. What does it for you, do you have a look you can always fall back on?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

René Norman

Just a quick one before I sign off for today. I just saw a house tour of René Norman's house over on Apartment Therapy and was struck by her sculptures. They give me itchy fingers!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Winter wish list

I call it winter wish list, but really it's a christmas wish list... it just feels a bit too early to be talking about christmas, but when the time comes and people start asking me what I want I can never remember. So this way, I can just click on my 'wish list' tag and be reminded.

So first up is a travel mug. My mornings are incredibly hectic. The two littln's make sure we get up, not so much at the crack of dawn thankfully, but early enough. Then it's my job to make porridge, get the littlest one changed and dressed, his big brother dressed (tantrums and all), and finally get myself dressed, find the keys and get everybody out of the house. Or alternatively shout at the hubby to do this and do that and c'mon get up! No time for a coffee but by the time I've taken my big boy to daycare it's time for my little boy to get his nap, so as he slowly falls asleep in his pram, what would be better than sipping my coffee from this wonderful mug. I see a lot more walks in the park in my future (I just have to get time to make that coffee before leaving the house)!
P.S. Also on my list: World peace. Really. So if any of you have connections to the Rothschilds, could you pass the message? Thank you.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


And so begins the wedding planning. I have no idea if I'm starting at the right end, but I'm just trying to get a general idea for 'the look'. Starting with the centerpieces. Tell me what you think.

I like the idea of using the wine bottles for table numbers, and the flower arrangements are so simple and beautiful.

Vintage glassware with fabric and ribbons, for a vintage girl :)

Loving the vintage tea tins, not the flowers so much.

And more vintage, adorable teacups and roses.

No. 1 and 3 from Martha Stewart weddings, no. 2 from 100 Layer Cake and no. 4 from Frolic.

So true

Just think about it

CNN: Just Imagine: City visions

Brighter future? Can we change the way we think and take those brave steps?

Via Swissmiss

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This ring scarf from American Apparel could be just the thing to accessorize with my Emami dress. My dress is black, what colour scarf should I get?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hair and yarn

I think I need this haircut. And that blue scarf thingy too. Via Greedy Girl.

Autumn is upon us

I'm planning to take a walk with my three year old to gather leaves and twigs to make a mobile like this. He'll love it! Seen on Design*sponge, click here for instructions.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wedding looks

We've finally set the date (I think, I just need to check a couple of things) so I'm now going to plunge into the preparations. To start with I'm thinking about the dress (of course!). How amazing would this dress look in white, with a pillbox hat?! All found on Etsy (follow the links).

Saturday, September 5, 2009

You know you're in Iceland when... go to a high street book café and bump into the prime minister. I once saw the president and his wife in a record store the day before christmas eve. My then boyfriend who wasn't from Iceland would not believe me when I pointed them out!

Updating floating shelves

A cute way to update those floating shelves we all have somewhere in our house is to cover them in fabric. I found this tip in last month's issue of Livingetc. I wouldn't use a staple gun though as they suggest, at least not on the surface where you can see it, i'd try to do all the fixing at the back or use sticky tape or something where you can't see it, so that the shelf could be used without the fabric again when you tire of it. Perfect for the nursery.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


...this BÖJA lamp from IKEA. Beautiful for the bedroom or a cozy living room.

Now there is a fitness routine!

And it shall be my new one!


I always associated glass chains (are they called that?) with frumpy old librarians, but this is waaaayy cool! Librarian? I don't think so!
(photo via Face Hunter)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Today I had to laugh at myself

My husband sent me out of the house to have a relaxed cup of coffee and escape reality for about an hour. I was wearing a black dress and leggings, threw on my beige trench and grey boots. Headed downtown in my silver grey station car, stopped by the recycling station to drop off an old desk, then parked in a parking garage but bumped my car on a concrete column in the process. At this stage I was in a quiet rage, desperate not to think about how much it will cost to have this fixed (fortunately it was just a scratch so I hope I can get away with a good wash and polish). As I walked the short distance to my favorite book café I looked at my reflection in the shop windows, my sharply cut shoulder length hair matching my outfit, my fatigue clearly visible on my non made-up face. 'Motherhood', I half growled, half laughed inside.
On my way home, Nirvana's 'come as you are' played on the radio. I sang out loud, I really got into it, I was taken back to the time where I was starting my adult life, in my future I would never shout at my kids, I would never wear beige, I was always going to be the coolest person ever (whatever that entailed), I would always have time for loving my husband (energy was not something I lacked in those days) and I would never worry about trivial things, such as housework and money.
I laughed out loud in a beautiful moment of self realisation, acceptance and joy!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

About time

So, last post got me thinking about getting fit, so I looked up some exercise ball videos

I'll start a fitness routine... soon... Any motivational tips, some inspiration?

Baby it's cold outside

Yes, it's cold, windy and rainy outside, I'm home alone (well, kids in bed anyway), eating strawberry chocolate fondue on my own and looking for fashion inspiration for winter. Perfect night in!

Topshop lookbook

Friday, August 14, 2009

Great little song!

This is a fantastic little song - and I only just got what it's about!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Reykjavík music hall

I don't know when it will be completed, but here is how it might look like one day.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Shell House

I've been on maternity leave for six months now and as lovely as that is, I'm starting to miss my profession, which is, lest I forget, architecture. I've been flipping through some architecture books and in 'Architecture Now! - Houses', I came across this weekend cottage (!) in Japan, by architect Kotaro Ide. It's beautiful curves immediately captivated me, the way it seems to just have landed in the forrest ages ago and has since merged into it's surroundings is so intriguing and very different to how I normally work with my context. Maybe it's the nesting instinct in me, but these last few months I've been paying so much more attention to the smaller scale, residential architecture than before. I used to be all about the large structures, my dream projects being museums, art galleries, libraries, schools, factories even. Now I dream of houses and cottages... that is when I'm not knitting or trying to find the perfect lamp for my entrance hall...

Saturday, August 8, 2009


The 'Highland Fling' collection at Topshop matches the key pieces in my wardrobe (I have the PERFECT leather jacket to go with that dress!), it's affordable-ish on my non-existent budget and is generally the sort of thing that I like! Perfect!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

In need of closet space?

This closet (kind of thing) by Nynke Boelens grows with your expanding shoe (or whatever) collection. It's made of 580 parts which are connected with elastic cord and therefore no longer defines the amount of the things you can keep. Seen on designspotter.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This is what Iceland looks like...

... seen through the lens of Pixie... otherwise known as my auntie Begga. And I didn't even know, up until very recently, that she was 'dabbling' in photography. See all her pictures on ipernity. Those are two of my favorites, the colours just get me.