January: We buy and move into our first flat! It felt so amazing and we're still so thrilled with our beautiful place. George started going to nursery school, a real big boy!

February: We spend most of the month settling into our new place.
March: This is what easter looks like for an (almost) two year old:

April: Preparations for our new shop start.
May: The shop is coming together, Terry and the girls are working around the clock and stocking up all over Europe. George turns two on the 23d. We had a busy summer entertaining guests and on the 29 th the first one comes round, Johnny from London. He arrives on the day of the big earthquake, a spectacular welcome for a spectacular guest!

June: Foxy Gold opens! A fabulous mix of vintage and new.
July: I turn 33. Tanja, Eskil and three year old Elias arrive from Denmark. We have a great time and everyone is left slightly deaf after two little boys' shenanigans. Language is no barrier for those two! A few days later, Frankie comes from Holland and stayes for a couple of months working with Terry and checking out the Reykjavík night life.

August: We announce: We're expecting a little bundle of joy early next year!
September: It's back to work for me after 4 lovely weeks spent relaxing at home. We decided on no holiday this year, instead we entertained guests from abroad and worked on our shop. I start this blog. The Icelandic banks and the whole economy starts crumbling.
October: It's life as usual, except I get my letter of notice, our office hasn't made it through the credit crunch! I'm lucky though, at the end of the notice period, I'm going on maternity leave anyway.
November: It's Terry's birthday, he's 32. Obama gets elected president of the USA.

December: Well, it's the holidays, I try my best to drag my heavily pregnant body all over town to get ready, decide christmas will still come even if I haven't washed the floors, the tree isn't super-trendy and I and leave my mum to bake cookies.

This was 2008, tomorrow is 2009 and we have so much to look forward to. Happy New Year!