Thursday, February 19, 2009

Baby bliss

So our newest family member did come on the full moon on February 9th. I'd been getting mild contractions since the evening before and they continued in the morning. At noon I called my husband to come home from school (oh yes, did I mention he started film school?) and he accompanied me to the appointment I already had with my midwife. She confirmed that the baby's head was finally engaged and that I was about 3-4 cm dialated. She told us to call the hospital when the contractions lasted 40-60 seconds and coming every 4-5 minutes. We went home and I sat on my fitness ball, rolling and bouncing, and concentrated on my ujjayi breathing. At about 4:30 in the afternoon we went to the hospital and to make a short story even shorter, our boy was born 2 hours later. He's an absolute beauty, a calm, content little creature. We're enjoying getting to know each other and settling into each other's routines.
When he sleeps, I'm busy catching up on design blogs, fashion and, with my unsatiable appetite, delicious recipies that I can't wait to share with you (I'm ready to get domestic!). First up, check out the total gorgeousness in the next post!


Palaeontologist Mum with Babies said...

He is beautiful!
Have a wonderful journey with your little boy and enjoy every moment!

 Viv said...

Oh wow - Congratulations! He is beautiful. Well done :)

Viv xx

Ni said...


hellosteffi said...

i'm loving your blog. i'll bookmark it for sure.... and what a sweet baby boy! he looks really calm and peaceful though now i'm guessing he must be a bit older and cries a bit more too?

ada said...

congrats to you!